The TON - Month 24

Here tele telegraph....

Not much happening this week a late cup run was attempted on friday afternoon but was meet with failure (due to a certain horse beast leaving the team without a super midfielder in the last few games) and the team then went of in a huff after losing the final to some shit team with not skill or talent getting handed a win lol.

Well its with big smiles i report that cunt Limo is gone from the team. Yes the traitor sold his copy of fifa months ago has not played since and we have just learned hes now playing for another team #Traitoron xboxone. Yes brag all you want the new team is in the top 300 cause we know how bad you play and can with 100% certainty say its not from anything you did lol. Goodbye you long haired shit cunt.

Well this week was like the return of the mac. No not him but rather Sneaky Nuts making a guest appearance for the TON. Well i should say special guest appearance as he is a bit special... in the way that rain man is special lol.

But any ways Larsson and Uni managed to drag him on for a cup run at the weekend. And what a run it was the boys won each game with one more goal than the last game lol yes thats.... 1-0 2-1 3-1 4-1. That marks the TONs 8th cup win in total now. But still no sign of that cunt Rossildinio hes not been seen since last year when its rumored he had his genitals removed.

All your weekly TON news right HERE