The TON - Month 41


Well fifa 15 is now coming to an end and the boys went out in style winning 7 games in a row to win an Ea cup... it should have been 4 yes but the filter on the games as gay as Sneakys jumpers. And now with just a few days left before the next fifa the boys are gonna kick back and relax.
Also this week with fifa15 coming to an end the players stats have been updated to show 4 years worth of stats. TON ultimate stats. Again only players who have completed 100 games per year have stats done for them.

And the results are... 
Most appearances Larsson.
Most accurate goal scorer Larsson.
Most passes per game Rossildinio (the less said about passes to who the better)
Most assists per game Rossildinio.
Most tackles per game goes to Limo.

Least accurate scoring player award goes to Unicorn (for shame)

And life time achievement award for the top player goes to (drum roll)
Henrik Larsson
Well done Larsson a gift voucher for Woolworths is on its way to you.

All your weekly TON news right HERE