The TON - Month 14

Well the boys are back in town well at least back in div1. Thanks to team #Unisson... and Rambo. The boys played well and got the TON back into the top spot. So lets recap thats our 14th time in div1 and our 18th season.

But the biggest news of the week Rossildinio got the boys into the local paper.. it may have had a little edit lol.

Hold it back out of div1 lol. Yes the boss came on with some mercs and boom div2 bound. But dont worry team #Unisson played on sunday afternoon and bang back into div1. Thats now our 15th time in div1 and the start of our 19th season.

Well its been a warm week and a tough week. The TON battled for more than a few seasons in div2 and managed to claw their way into div1. Thats now our 13th time in div1 and our 17th season. And what a short fucking time in div1 it was lol. Back in div2 in a matter of mins. Could it be the part timers not linking up well or just some of the regulars not passing ? who cares cause team #Unisson just went on a motherfucking cup run. And what a run it was over 20 goals in 8 games and another shiny Ea cup AND a Continental cup to fill the trophy cabinet. Well done boys

Well nout much has happened these last few days. But theyre has been a little friction this week due to one of the managers being drunk on the job. This reporter isnt one to name names BUT its Rossildinio. The little midget fuck has been showing up for games half canned and playing some atrocious football. Calling for the ball in all the wrong places and times. Calling for the ball forcing the cpu players to swap wings and killing the attack. Or just in general keeping the ball on the wing and not playing the strikers throw on goal but instead running the entire wing with the ball and then playing no cross or a poor cross into the box. He has literally cost the TON hundreds of chances at goal these last few weeks. And even cost the team a few losses with spamming of the offside trap. Will we see a forced retirement from the job in the coming months ?.

Well its back to div2 for the boys. But the cup window has opened and Rossildinio and Larsson have only gone and bagged another Ea shield for the squad. And come sunday night the squad gather back up for one last cup run. And what a run it was fifteen goals in four games. With only twentyfour shots took thats 75% shooting accuracy. with Larsson hitting 100% shooting accuracy and bagging the winning goal in the final. Thats 33 cups in the trophy cabinet now.

All your weekly TON news right HERE