The TON - Month 15

Well Larsson has still not made a return and the TON seem to have come to a stand still. Still stuck in div2 and playing almost no games regularly. But this week did have a real world event. We seen Rossildinio play a charity match with the real TON.

Rossildino got of to a great start and was hitting some nice passes and kept his position. But then he was took off for a short period before returning only to get took off again due to injury. But in the second half it all slipped away from him and his side and they started to lose. He did managed to get a shot at goal but only hit the keeper. Match rating 6.0. Ross pictured on the right calling for the ball like always.

Still in div2 this week. No advance to go no collect $200. What i mean is no promotion to div1 ? could this be due to Larsson not on the pitch who knows. But the boys have played with a mix of old part timers and new part timers. This reporter was sent an anonymous email from someone regarding this...

"Subject: shit cunts.
       Most of the part timers are shit they never show up for games, never play there position, and have tunnel vision or almost no football ability, some of them had there very own club yet wanted to come back to play with us cause they couldnt get past div4 and they just want to use us to get a chance to play in a higher div, the reason they never got past div4 is cause they are not good enough to do so they are not div1 or div2 material because they never learn they don not adapt and evolve they only hold us back.    yours HL"

Could this be true ? could the friends of friends who get let into the team only be holding the squad back ? do they never learn are they that thick stay tuned to find out.

Well Larsson has been of the pitch for a week and the boys have been playing shite. They went from div1 all the way back to div3. Well done Axis and Limo i guess. But its not all bad Larsson has come back and team #Unisson got promoted and back into div2. Of course things were halted with the WING MONSTER that is Rossco. This reporter is starting to think his new job as took over him like some kind of invasion of the body snatchers and replaced Rossildinio with some kinda of cheap imitation RosscoWill we ever get the real slim shady back ? who knows.

Well its a fresh week and a good week the boys (Larsson and Uni) are of to a flyer. They stayed in div1 and after a good start to their 20th season in div1. The boys played well and when Limo joined them he even managed not to chip the ball or fuck it up and they were set for a div1 title needing just six points from three games.

On comes Rossildinio and all the play upfront comes to a crashing stop and its all right wing play. Does the striker get the ball played to his feet no. Does the ball get played forward towards goal and the striker no. The ball goes down the right wing in almost every attack.

But the boys are still in div1 and starting their 21st season so they still have time to grab a div1 title.

All your weekly TON news right HERE