The TON - Month 17

Well hes finally here. Uni that is. And with him came a nice 0-4 defeat. Yup Uni has kicked off his fifa14 career playing like Limo lol. With the team in utter chaos due to not leveling up or not paying attention or part timers just not giving a fuck like always the team have struggled to stay in div6 now for weeks. Will they make div1 this year ? this reporter thinks fucking not.

Closed back soon.

The TON on gta.

And  its more good news for the squad as the power through the divisions. The took div9 with the title and then managed to sneak a promotion in div8 and have now just walked through div7 into div6. Of course the squads is still missing Unicorn. and Sneaky has only just joined and of course like a cunt refuses to play dropins and help level his pro up so of course his guy i slow and shit and his first two games are a loss for the squad.

In other news Larsson and Rossildinio have been spotted around San Andreas. Rosscos player looked like a cross between Craig David and Lennox Lewis.... so basically a cunt. And Larsson spotted with a hockey mask on.... not sure if its red or thats just splash back from a few victims ?.

And shocking news Larsson has left the club after a poor show of team spirit from boss RossildinioRossildinio showed up preseason and hired part timers from fucking twitter so he could play before everyone else. Not even a single shout out to the squad on twitter asking if they had season passes and wanted a game. And they are the ones who play the most. Of the five regulars Ross himself had the least amount of games played and the worst record for shooting and win ratio. Yet he abandones the very squad who won the TON cup after cup and title after title without him on the pitch. All because he had no patients to wait on the team. And wanted to get a head start on leveling up. 

Larsson had this to say "bored of waiting for games due to smoke breaks and cant really be arsed with running into space and creating chances just to have the ball held up on one wing with naive game play. hes cost us way to many games with his greed and poor use of tactics".

This reporter thinks its only fair Rossco should have waited on the team as the team wait on Rossco for smoke breaks. A soldier once said "i hear you won some great victory today"  King "perhaps you didnt notice the beach belongs to me... i won a great victory here today"  soldier "perhaps the king was to far behind to see the soldiers won the battle". And so true he may be the manager but he is not the team. And i have used spell check and there is no Rossildinio in team. Just look TEAM <<<. Larsson pictured above sitting at a call center playing tetris while waiting for a job interview.

BREAKING NEWS... Larsson joins back into the TON. In a late turn of events Rossildinio met with Larsson behind steffanos and gave him a gumshie and begged him to come back. Afterwords he bought Larsson a pizza supper and chips. Was this a pay of to keep the young striker ? who cares hes back. And with that the team pulls back the terrible start to div10 on fifa14 and gets not only promotion but the div10 title.

All your weekly TON news right HERE