The TON - Month 16

The end of Fifa13

And its here mofos. Gtav has landed and the squad have all jumped ship and been playing since midnight on tuesday lol.

So heres a trailer for our squad and our new online gta crew.

"Day six hundred and eighty nine in the big TON ouse Rossildinio has been locked in the bathroom now for three weeks. Limo has been voted out and in a strange turn of events Cookie has been vote back into the ouse. The rest of the ouse mates Larsson and Uni are in the dinning room".

Ok so what i was saying is fifa13 is coming to an end and Rossildinio has not been seen in ages. Limo has no internet. The traitor Cookie has returned again. And Larsson and Uni have been doing all the work as always.

The squad did take on the worlds No1 team.... now when i say No1 i mean of course the players in the team basically stole the No1 team as one of the players was in the squad as a defender an made a manager an when the real players left the team including the manager cause they probably hacked or cheated in some way that player then invites his gay mates into the team and they all change their names to a clan to match the name of the team lol.... so back to what i was saying the TON got totally cheated out of any chance of winning when the ref gives away three penalties for nothing. But good news come friday and the boys went on a cup run and bagged two cups for the trophy room.

Its only the start of the week but wouldnt you know it Larssons first season back for almost three weeks and boom right back into div1. Of course he had the Unicorn to back him up in midfield while Limo was very confused and mumbling "your such an mmmmmm" not sure what hes been smoking but yeh the squad are now back in div1. Thats now the 15th time and start of our 22nd season.

The biggest news this week seems to be the wait of Gta-v. And of course Rossildinio is recruiting Here so if you wanna join our gang do so.

Also this the TONs stats have just been done for this years play view them here. And the value of each player will be marked up or down according to factors like... games played, shot accuracy, shots per game, red cards, vision, adaptability, depreciation, player rating, value in each position and sales. Of course some players wont be happy but then a gentle reminder that your shit never hurt anyone. View the players value here.

So another slow week and not a game played. Are the players on strike ? are they just lazy cunts ? who knows. But sunday afternoon and Larsson sends out a tweet like an sos and boom and Uni jumps on... and so does Limo. And play they did. The squad managed three cup finals but got cheated out of one and robbed out f the second. But dont worry the lads won the last cup run and took home yet another cup for the trophy room.

All your weekly TON news right HERE