The TON - Month 22

Nout to report people so many people are no shows. And heres why Limo the cunt gets a new xboxone he then says.....

So after saying he can join we keep playing games putting up messages for cup games and cup runs and even being sarcastic when Larsson and Uni win a cup run all by themselves. After a few weeks of no one returning messages saying the want to play  Limo sells his game ?? lol yeh cause that makes sense seen as you have no xboxlive or facebook or twitter to see us talking about playing and when we have just won games OH WAIT YOU DO YOU FUCKING DRIBBLING HAIRY CUNT.

Well its a slow week for the boys yet again and not surprising when the entire team has been down to just two members for the last few months.

Yes poor Larsson and Uni left all alone to do all the work play all the games and win all the titles and cups. And wouldnt you fucking know it they won yet another cup friday night muthafucqaasssss.

So its been a slow week but the boys are still in div1... just but they did manage a late night cup run on fri and bagged a cup

The penitent man shall win the cup the penitent man the penitent man the penitent man will pass lol. Yes this marks the first continental cup win for the lads and fifth cup win in total. The wins were 4-1 2-0 3-0 3-0 2-1 yes thats right we had to win 5 games to win it as a bunch of cheating Irish cunts left the third game in order to try cheat cause we had scored in under five mins.

All your weekly TON news right HERE