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The TON - Month 23

Uk aye the noo. Its been a slow week fur the boys and even wurse they got booted oot division wan and back ti division too. But dinny fear boys that wee lad Larsson has been fighting away with his we dug Uni and wun a few games and are on thur way back to the top.

Well a slow week but never the less Larsson and Uni have kept the TON in div1.

And on the weekend the boys even went on a cup run. Even with Larsson dying of man flu and having a temperature of easily well over 1.000.000 degrees the boys managed to bag a premier cup. Mon the boys.

Well its Larsson and Uni back again and boom just like that they romp div2 and take a nice promotion back to div1. Thats of course is the TONs second trip up to div1 now. #FuckingLegends

All your weekly TON news right HERE