Welcome to the official TON fc website. ------- Home of the best pro clubs team on fifa. ------- And the biggest and best website on the interweb.


The TON will now be naming and shaming teams or players who...
Leave in under five minutes. Cheat or hack. Or even playing as cheating any.

Team - Raunchysandwich
Gamers - Beanfart98 - epic munchkin

You shit cunts needed to cheat all the way for a random div4 game. and the cheating fag any played by beanfart has his boosted shit stats up around 2 times normal with the goals per game in the plus with about 70 assists more. yeh cause being a shit any is an advantage is it you dumb fifa cunts.

Team - the mobb -

What a bunch of wankers this lot are. after Unicorn scores a belter of a free kick they leave. 
Only 2-0 down and they fuck off. Assholes.

Team - el tic -

A shit team that left after just 2mins when Larsson turned inside the box an scored.

Costing the squad a div1 title. The much sought after title was within the squads grasp as Larsson Unicorn an limo had been on all day playing and won a promotion from div2 then had won enough game in div1 that they needed just 2 points from 3 games... cue the entrance of Rossildinio.

1st game the idiot takes on a team of 8 and not even teams like the boys had played then Larssons chances at goal are cut down from 15 to 1 and no goals are scored
2nd game Larsson gets 0 chances at goal as Rossildinio ball hogs up the wing and never lets go of the ball.
3rd game same again no chances at goal and the boys sit in silence as they watch all hope leave while rossilidinio never gives up the ball.

Team - afc steel city -

Yet another team leaves in under 5mins when the TON score.

And wouldnt you know it as soon as the TON score they leave before the game gets to 5mins.

Team - xxbeastxxx -

Some more cheating cunts playing as any or should i say pretending to play.

Team - bonito grande -

Yet some more cheating cunts playing as any or should i say pretending to play.

Team - zeds dead baby -

Yet another bawbag team leaves in under 5mins when we score.

Team - alans crew -

The TON went 1-0 up in 80mins and they left lossing 3-0 lol.

Gamers - xgl7 - Ijonchik -

When Rossildinio and Larsson got to the finals of a cup this team left after Rossildinio hammered a goal in from 25yards in under four minutes. Wanker alert.

Starting with hackers
Team - black zone -
There was a third gamer but he has now deleted his account.

The TON managed to get a draw with them. 
probably why they needed to hack their accounts was because they were shit without pros with 99 stats.

Some more gamers today left in under five minutes.
Gamers - hidden weasle - monkey bomb -

Kick off  Larsson down the wing passes to Rossildinio Rossildinio crosses into the box the computer headers to Larsson Larsson turns into the box and puts the ball in the back of the net swoshhh. 
Less than two minutes in and they never touched the ball yeh you better believe they hit the dash board faster than diana.

More gamers that left in under five minutes

Just seconds in Limoo sticks the ball into the back of the net... wait for it.... your opponents have left the game haha.

A few more gamers tonight left after a beating

Their squad  played with an any and a pro keeper. 
but the TON lads including Larsson, Unicorn, Limby93 and hd kyleee 3d tore them a new one until they went 4-0 up and then they all fucked right of.

Yet another team leaves in under five minutes
Gamers - mr whiskey 75 - freeze k7 -

Larsson sends Limoo through on goal Limoo squares the ball and Larsson taps it in. 
A jew goal but seen as they had a pro keeper they fuck right off haha.

Some more hacked pros
Team name - SC phoenix -

The usual 99 stat pros, Reported to ea.

Yet another team leaves in under five

Kick off. Sneaky to Larsson Larsson turns runs straight through the team into the box chip to Sneaky Sneaky headers it ooshhh goal And they never even touch the ball. 
Wait wait for it yup gone.

Today the TON was shamed by one of its own. 
Yes Limoo tried to leave a game when a team scored a goal. But the goal was scored on exactly five minutes and when Limoo left the game he cost the TON a 0-3 defeat.
Hold your head in shame Limoo, hold your head.
The TON had this to say "your a cunt".

This week more wanks that left in under five minutes.

Kick off Sneaky to Larsson Larsson turns throw pass and boom Sneaky scores.

Another team hits the dashboard faster than diana.

Few more hackers today.
Team - the potters -

Looked at the squad list and wouldnt you know it 99 stats.

Again more fags that leave in under five minutes.

Kick off Unicorn to Larsson Larsson to Rambo Rambo to Larsson Larsson then sends the ball through the entire team Unicorn turns boom goal. 
they never seen then the ball and yeh they fuck right off. Bunch of poofs.

And yet again a few more hacked players
Team - crewpark
Gamers - hikarii clx - maax clx - rebo clx -

But the TON still won 6-4

And yet another hacker today
Team - fc finessity x -
Gamer  - l 7 l reado x -

And yet even more hackers
Team - foreveryoung -

Sneaky said it best after the game "fuck of ya cunts"

More hackers today
Team - settle down -
As always a team check shows full 99 stats.

So yet again more hackers found.
Team - arabe fr -
They almost went unnoticed but Halenbeck confirmed after the game that they are hacked.

Yet even more hackers today
Team - fifanaticz -

With huge 99 stats the cheaters won 1-7 out running the defenders like they were stood still. fake!

Also this week the TON found an old german team they played a few months back filled with hackers
Team - the bombers -
Gamer - xxbayernxx -
Just like all germans online cheats or glitchers, bunch of nazi wanks.

Even more hackers this time
Team - tro for pr toi -

Typical french fucks cant do anything but cheat in every game every year. 
No wonder they rolled over for the germans they couldnt find a hack to cheat.

Some more hackers
Team - ajaxtreezdown -

As always full 99 stats on them all. 
bunch of czech cunts.

And yet more hackers today
Team - asi jinej gang -
Hacking bunch of cunts as always

Asshole alert, a few assholes the TON bumped into today.
Team - afc celtic -

The TON had made it to a cup final and scored a goal against this shit team.. 
but of course it was under five minutes so they fucked off trying to cheat and not loss the cup.

Well in the last few days on fifa12 seems cheating cunts cant help it
Team - realisation
Gamer - midge x th
In a matter of hours no one will care how many wins or losses yet people still need to cheat to play. 
Because they are cunts.

And yet another sad fucking clan
Dirty cheats fucked right of after sneaky scored in under five minutes
They had an any and a defender and still got pumped waited for the cock to show less than five minutes and left. Cunts.

And yet another dirty cheating fag team
Team - 4dimensional fc -

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Not all images are.