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The TON - Month 26

Well no one seems to want to play anymore for the team. Rossildinio has not got himself an xbox live gold account ?. And Sneaky has broke all his joypads in some kinda of emo rage attack and Rambo is a no show due to the fact any time hes home his wife puts him in a gimp box and locks him up so no games will be played for the foreseeable future.

No games this week as  Larsson seems to be unable to play. He may or may not have took a bite out of some player we dont know yet but Fifa will release a statement soon im told.

And what a fucking week not a game kicked mid week but on a saturday afternoon cup run team unison have done the impossible. A double cup win yes thats fucking right in 3 years no one has ever won a cup then won a second directly after it its always been a loss. And not only did they win a double but won it with 9 game as one team cheated by leaving 3-0 down and the game froze for a second before loading back and didnt give the TON the win. But its in the bag now an extra Ea cup and Continental cup.

Cool guys dont look at explosions they win two cups and they walk away.

With a shit streak as long as my dick the TON have been relegated to fuck lol. Yup getting kicked outa div2 then div3 and back into div4. All starting on a losing streak against 3 players in ever game then followed by a very fucking short win streak of 1 games lol as every game seen Larsson and Uni go up against 5-7 players making for an impossible come back mid week.

All your weekly TON news right HERE