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The TON - Month 27


No shows. Nout new then. Roll on the 9th sept and Destiny with team Unison.

Well a slow week again for the squad. And by squad i mean Larsson and Uni as no one else now plays it seems lol. Old Rossildinio was captured online on fut like a fud but he chose to ignore the TON and play gay fut.

Well after some time off boys Larsson and Uni made a come back and played a Friday night cup run and then only went and done the impossible and won another 2 cups in a row. With 29 goals scored the boys beasted their way to victory and grabbed another Continental cup and an Ea shield. Thats a record 4 cups in a row with 17 games won. Pair of fucking legends. 

But what wll happen to the TON now that Ross has fucked off from xboxlive and left them squad to fend for themselves ? well it looks like Sneaky is going to ps4 as well as Rambo whos already on it but dont worry youre furry cause Team Unison will be on xboxlive and playing for the TON come sept.

Team is now going on ebay to the highest bidder.

All your weekly TON news right HERE