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The TON - Month 58

Month 58
Well the boys are back in town. And Larsson steps onto the pitch for the first game of 2017 and the goals are flying in. We even seen the return of Limo but his old curse must have been lifted some how cause we didnt get fucking relegated this time yehhh. Mean while on the pitch players coughs (Ash) still bitch about stats "yeh fake stats" you see it was about this yime last year he complaind that he passed the ball each game WAYYYYY more than Larsson but Larsson unsure went and did the maths and checked nope he didnt infact he hit some thing silly like .2 less passes per game its not much pretty even but Ash not happy with as he confuses fact and maths with his skewed point of view is that he never gets the ball much (even when he does more than Larsson) and that he thinks hes hitting 4 or 5 more passes per game than Larsson when the entire stat sheet on fifa shows he doesnt but again Gayboy i mean Ash thinks that cause a stat says a higher percentage of passing this means you some how pass way more no its simple heres a little example to help you out...

If Billy Big Baws hits 20 passes but only 10 of them reach the other player he hits a 50% pass ratio.
But if Ashley No Hair hits 3 passes and only 2 of them reach the other player he hits a 66% pass ratio.

The higher pass ration only means more passes landed not more passes and seen as plenty of times poor Jamie Brown Actor runs the wing and puts in perfect crosses right into the box right infront of the defenders total sitters golden chances put on a big silver spoon but ash doesn jump for the ball and doesnt header it then the ball goes past and the other defender picks it up and it counts a missed pass for Jamie but he still hit the fucking pass and this seems to be the problem with the missing link they call Ash he doesnt get this at all it seems. Nor does Jamie seem to get that Ash gets handed on a plate over 5 shots at goal per game while he takes just 5 shots to score a goal but poor old Larsson gets just 2 shots at goal per game but takes 4.8 to score a goal so how is the more accurate striker and player Larsson ment to score as many goals or more than Ash when he gets less than half the shots and chances per game ? its not possible.

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