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The TON - Month 13

Well what a start to the week. Some late night games and relegation again for the squad. But dont worry kids team #Unisson got it back on track with a promotion from dvi3 (insert scary face) to div2 then took the div2 title. Just cause we can and are now back in div1. That now our 10th time in div1 and the start of our 16th season as well.

Also this week have you ever had zero shots at goal and still scored ?. Well we know a man who has plenty of times. Only the video below shows how Larsson can go one better and shoot yet still not take a shot and score lol.

He shoots he scores lol.

Half time results show no shots and no shots on target yet one goal. End of the game show Larsson with zero shots and one goal.

Well it was a good start to the week cue Limo lol. The squad were set to move back into div1 winning 1-0 until Limo did his usual and ran back out of position and into the box and gave away a penalty.
EVEN though he was already on a yellow he still made the tackle on the player from behind....

Limo you fucktard.

Well later the same night Larsson Uni and Limo jump back on. And its of to a rough start of this season with to many draws the TON need a good few wins for promotion. And wouldnt you know it its down the the last game. A win takes promotion and a loss well DOH. Now the TON are sitting pretty with a 2-1 lead and what goes an happens ? yeh fucking Limo happens. He calls a for a stupid ball AGAIN and losses the ball and its back level. But never fear boys n girls team #Unisson is here and they boys secure a victory of 3-2. So its promotion and back into div1 for the 8th time now and our 14th season in div1 now begins.

Hold the fucking press. Just as soon as the TON get into div1 they get kicked back out. Thanks to Limo of course with some epic slide tackles inside the box giving away penalties and points. But its all good team #Unisson kicked ass again and the TON are back in div1. Thats now our 9th time and 15th season in div1.

And is thats not enough its also cup weekend. And the squad havea couple more premier cups and were on course for an Ea cup. but that was short lived when this happened... FUCKING ROBBED. Fifa you are a bunch of cunts.

But we do have a new follower on twitter just some hot blonde called Kristanna loken. You might remember her from teminator3 ? yeh the bad terminator the Tx. Well she follows us. Could it be cause we are awesome or maybe she finds Larsson just to sexy we will never know lol.

And its a "friendly" match week with the TON taking on Asda fm live. It was a total of six games played over the week. First three games and its Larsson and Uni vs Asda fm. the boys would take 2 draws and 1 win over the cheating Asda squad who had played an any in the 2 draws. Then its Uni and Limo vs Asda fm. And the boys managed a 2-0 win over them. Come friday night and Asda were open 24hours and wanted a late night game. So now it was Rossildinio Larsson and Uni vs the ever cheating Asda fm playing as any again.

 Final results
TON 1-1 Asda/Any
 TON 3-1  Asda       
TON /Any 1-1 Asda/Any
TON 2-0 Asda/Any
TON 1-1 Asda/Any
TON 3-3 Asda/Any

So if we take all games played with a cheating any as aggregate then thats a 19-8 win for the TON.

  Larsson ramming one home for the TON.

Larsson had this to say after the last match "well in ya cheating fucking cunts".

Word on the street is that Axis aka Cookie has made his own team Asda something or other. Will we see a grudge match against the TON ?. Stay tuned to find out.

Now this week seen the start of team #Unisson. Its a bit like brangelina.... You know brad and angelina ?. Well any way team unisson is made up of Unicorn and Larsson.  Now team unisson has been kicking ass all week and dragged the team back from div3 to div2. And on friday with the "help" of Limo they even won the team yet another continental cup. Then on sunday the team jumped back on to win yet another cup run. Making that the tons 27th cup win.

All your weekly TON news right HERE